Observe that . . . the egalitarians’ view of man is literally the view of a
children’s fairy tale—the notion that man, before birth, is some sort of
indeterminate thing, an entity without identity, something like a shapeless
chunk of human clay, and that fairy godmothers proceed to grant or deny him
various attributes (“favors”): intelligence, talent, beauty, rich parents, etc.
These attributes are handed out “arbitrarily” (this word is preposterously
inapplicable to the processes of nature), it is a “lottery” among pre-embryonic
non-entities, and—the supposedly adult mentalities conclude—since a winner
could not possibly have “deserved” his “good fortune,” a man does not deserve
or earn anything after birth, as a human being, because he acts by means of
“undeserved,” “unmerited,” “unearned” attributes. Implication: to earn
something means to choose and earn your personal attributes before you exist.